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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

The field of Sustainable Food System Management requires passionate leaders and change makers, with goals to positively influence our food system to work better for both people and planet.


At West Chester University, we thrive on finding solutions and exceeding our goals.


The following are the individuals of our Inaugural West Chester University Sustainable Food Systems Management Degree Cohort.

*To learn more about the Sustainable Food Systems Management track offered by West Chester University visit these resources:

SFSM descriptionSFSM curriculum guide.*




Career goals:
My goal is to work in Supply Chain Management for a food production company whose mission is to reduce food waste and food insecurity in their community.

I am passionate about reducing food waste to not only benefit the environment, but also to serve my local community. Volunteering at soup kitchens & local food pantries is an important part of my life, and it has taught me a great deal about the brokenness of our current food system, which has inspired me to pursue a career in sustainable food systems.

In my daily life I make strides to live zero-waste, support organic, local & fair-trade, and eat a vegetarian diet. Professionally, I seek companies who hold similar values & commitment to sustainability I do. Leading a sustainable lifestyle requires determination, passion for the global community and total awareness of one’s surroundings.




Career goals:
My goals and aspirations as of now are to start a sustainable food truck.


Personally, and professionally I am passionate about photography and videography.


To set the example I recycle, have reduced my food waste since freshman year and I also walk or skate all short distance trips.

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About me:

My name is Asma Hasnain and I am passionate about sustainable food systems. The area I want to focus most on is Industrial animal and factory farming, which is the main cause of animal abuse in the United States. According to the United Nations, we slaughter 8 times more animals than needed. After graduation, I plan to get a Masters degree in public policy, and work towards making laws to make sure industrial farms treat animals humanely. It is only possible if we consume less animal products and more plant based food. Trying to convince America to become vegan or vegetarian might not be practical, but if we can start a movement to limit consumption of meat to two days a week, it would discourage meat industry to abuse these animals for profit.

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Career Goals:

I do not currently have a specific career path in mind. Pursuing a Master's Degree in Business Administration.


I grew up in sports and played Division 1 soccer in college for two years. Although I no longer play competitively, I still enjoy playing a game of pick-up here and there. I also love photography, cooking, and golfing.  



My immense passion for food, health, and sustainability pilot the choices I make in my life every day. Some recent sustainable changes I have made in my life are shopping for my groceries at local farmer’s markets (especially for meats and cheeses), reducing my food waste, composting, and reducing my use of single use plastics like plastic bottles and grocery bags.



Art Director


Career goals:

With my degree, I aspire to become involved in community food security efforts through farm and food education by influencing positive change in our food system through improvements in food policy and sustainable agricultural practices. Although this is a career goal which will grow from my education at WCU, I consider it personal, as well. I live each day wanting to make the world a better place, especially through our food. Planet Earth is hurting as a result of human activity, particularly through our choices in agriculture and food.

I am passionate about creating a better world by connecting people to their food and to the earth. I believe an enormous pitfall of modern society is the disconnection from our food as a result of our current food system. To connect with our food, is to become one with the earth, which I believe should be a right to all, no matter race, spiritual belief, or socioeconomic status.  Nourishing food is a human right, not a privilege. The power for everything in the modern world to continue moving forward and thriving is good food and good earth.

I try to live sustainability by always using my reusable water bottle and frequenting local businesses. I compost at home and make other small changes in whatever way I can, particularly in my waste and plastic use, to reduce my personal footprint on the earth.





I took a trip to the pacific northwest in high school and it solidified my love for long distance hiking and alpine lakes. Since then, I've become more passionate about preserving our public lands and sustainability, and have expanded my interests to also include rock climbing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and gardening. 



I am always learning new ways to interact with my environment more harmoniously.  The biggest two habits I've created are composting my organic waste and finding creative ways to reuse what I have. 


Career Goals:

I currently work on an organic farm and aspire to forge more relationships with my community and businesses to question the way we do things. My personal motto is to "strive to not be bound by convention, and live an examined life."

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Art Director


Career goals: 

Bekah has major career goals to perpetuate environmental, economic, and social sustainability in the global beauty industry. 


Friends and family would describe Bekah as passionate about yoga, sustainability, skincare, beauty, psychology, or winemaking. As a graduating peer mentor from the Sister to Sister eating disorder awareness program on campus, she is passionate about women's confidence through healthy relationships with food and people.  



Bekah has made shifts to reduce plastic consumption and purchase solely from plant-based, cruelty-free companies in personal care products. Her closet has made a shift as well, containing minimalistic clothing from impactful brands such as Veja and Reformation. On a daily basis, her diet is minimally animal-based products containing plant-based foods. Her impact on her family is shown through their new introduction of a compost system and plans to start a garden in their backyard.



Career Goals:

I currently don’t have a specific career goal in mind, but I am open-minded and enthusiastic about any opportunities that may come my way. I would definitely love to work in agriculture, and maybe one day even have my own farm. 


I am passionate about helping the world become a better place for not just humanity, but for all living things. In the future I would love to see a better thriving environment and cleaner oceans, and I am excited to be a part of the movement that helps save our planet.


I am currently growing my own garden in my backyard, and I enjoy going to local farmer’s markets to purchase seasonal produce. I have also been making an effort to eliminate single-use plastic as much as possible by using reusable shopping bags, water bottles,  containers for food, etc.

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