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Sustainability in Indian Cuisine

Asma Hasnain
"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food"


Although, we are a nation of immigrants, a lot of people are hesitant to try ethnic foods. My aim is to introduce Indian cuisine to people that can be cooked easily, is healthy and is very affordable.



Most Anthropologists believe that the Ayurvedic tradition of cooking which is a complete holistic approach to cooking, begins at this time.


The emergence of Buddhism and Jainism takes place which resulted in the shift in diet. Jain were strong believers in non-violence, their meals were not only strictly vegan, but they do not eat root vegetables as they believe that roots and tubers are Ananthkay (one body containing infinite lives).


The period of British rule in India. Britishers fell in love with the Indian cuisine, and tried to mix up some of their own dishes and that resulted in what is known as the Anglo-Indian cuisine. They also exchanged their love for coffee with tea.


Experimental Telecast started in India, and subsequently, daily transmission began. This is the start of the cooking shows, and the integration of world cuisines such as Indian-Chinese Cuisine which is more spicy and more vegetarian than the traditional Chinese cuisine.


Healing Spices-- Indian Spices become a source of research. Many Indian spices and herbs are available as pills in the western markets



The first ever civilization known to mankind, The Indus Valley Civilization began alongside the river Indus (which is now the part of Pakistan). Agriculture was the main occupation of the people and crops such as peas, wheat, barley and bananas were grown. The roots of Hinduism are shaped and the caste system is developed, which divides the food habits of people by cast. Brahmans who were the priests, ate a vegetarian diet but the Kshatriya (who were warriors) were Omnivores.


This is the period of the Mogul empire and the emergence of the Mogul cuisine. This cuisine is more on the lines of the modern north Indian cuisine we see today. Several seasonings and spices such as saffron and nuts were added during this period.


India got its independence from the British but the country was divided into two parts namely India and Pakistan. It was divided further into Bangladesh and Sri Lanka later. The food ways and culture of all these countries have similarities as they all originate from the same country.


As the British started to realize that they could not rule India anymore due to the constant mutiny and protests by the locals, they invited prominent Indian cooks and chefs to come to England and cook to them. This was the start of the introduction of Indian food to Europe. These chefs opened Indian restaurants and tailored Indian food according to European taste.


Unknown to many, Indian spices are now used in many European dishes to bring color, flavor, and health benefits.

2500 BC - 2000 BC

2500 BC

600 BC

1500 - 1800 AD

800 - 1947 AD

1947 AD

1960 - 1970

1900's - Present




Hands in the Soil


Sustainable Food System

This course taught me that humans have been practicing sustainable agriculture from the beginning of times, and that every form of agriculture has been a part of anthropology. It helps me connect to the cultural aspect of my project.

Researching and Writing

NTD 310

Nutrition Research

Everyone needs to know how to read research papers so that we can apply it to our lives. I actually wrote a paper on the benefits of “Turmeric”, a spice that used in almost all type of curries. I was able to connect to the research side regarding the benefits of spices, herbs and medicinal plants through this course.


NTD 404

Nutrition & Disease Prevention

This course was about eating healthy and using nutrition to prevent diseases. This is just what my project is actually about. Eating good, nutritious food to stay healthy and prevent diseases.

Food Knolling

NTD 426

Farm to Table Food Product Development

we learn about food preservation. I knew a few techniques about food preservation but I learned many more with this course. It connects with my project in a sense that if the food we cook is more than we need, we can save it for future if we knew how to preserve it. Also, it is cheaper to buy products in bulk and preserve it for future use.

Green Juice Prep

NTD 205

Principles of Food Selection and Preparation

This course taught me about selecting and preparing food in various ways, such as times when product should be bought fresh and others when it is better frozen. This course taught me how to buy better products, and to buy seasonal when possible for my project.

Business Meeting

NTD 425

Nutrition Entrepreneurship

This course taught me the business side of nutrition and sustainability. I learn techniques that would help me if I want to take my project commercial like open an Indian restaurant, or an Indian catering service,

Mothers and their Baby

NTD 309

Nutrition Throughout the Lifecycle

This course was about feeding kids nutritious food and eating yourself the same. Making sure those who cannot cook for themselves such as the children and the elderly, get proper nutrition. It connects with my project as my project suggests eating whole foods as compared to junk. Children do not have options at times, if they have junk at home. If we have home cooked meals and snacks, they will eat those.


NTD 450

Field to Fork Events

This course bought everything together.





1/2 cup chopped and seeded English cucumber.

2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

2 teaspoons chopped green onions

1/2 cup plain yogurt


Mix all ingredients in medium bowl. Season to taste with salt.


Chill raita, covered, until ready to serve.

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