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No Udder Way


vegan milk

By Layla Toogood



No Udder Way represents my collection of homemade plant-based milks. My goal is not to force anyone to become a vegetarian or vegan. Instead, my goal is rather to encourage open-minded perspectives on alternatives to animal products, like milk. If everyone replaced at least one meat or dairy product with a plant-based alternative that is similar in nutritional value, there could be a significant improvement in the environment, as well as overall global health. I would hope that the fun flavors and natural, sustainable ingredients in my products would excite individuals about transitioning to a more plant-based diet


The production of animal products is known to contribute to several environmental stressors, particularly excess greenhouse gas emissions, natural resource depletion, deforestation, acidification, and eutrophication. Additionally, excessive consumption of animal products in individuals can lead to health problems and chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiac complications


If individuals started to regularly incorporate more plant-based alternatives into their diet in place of meat or dairy, they could improve not only the planet’s health, but also their own personal health and well-being


Creamy Vanilla





-Vanilla Extract

Almond Joy




-Cocoa Powder


-Vanilla Extract


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rice .jpg

I believe that No Udder Way can make a positive impact by educating the public about dairy-alternatives and the processes in which they are made. I want to encourage the world to expand their horizons to include sustainably-sourced plant-based ingredients in their diets, and emphasize the importance of doing so. Giving business to companies that sustainable values will help promote the reversal of environmental damage caused by conventional food systems, therefore slowing down their negative impact. In addition, a mass transition to plant-based diets could cause a dramatic decline in global health problems. All of this could start with giving plant-based milk a try


Image by Jonas Jacobsson




Food Preparation

NTD 205

Principles of Food Selection and Preparation

This class taught me about culinary techniques and terminology, as well as how to handle different kinds of ingredients. In the process of preparing the milks, I followed many the same protocols that I was taught to demonstrate in class during food labs

Agronomist with Tablet

GEO 205

Geography of Agriculture

In this class, I learned about the ways different food systems impact the environment in regards to the earth’s climate and soils. The concepts learned in this class gave me a better understanding and more thorough background knowledge when researching the effects of animal product vs. plant product production on the environment, and the most eco-friendly ways to farm them

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NTD 320

Strategies in Dietetics Education

In this class, I learned about how to effectively educate the importance of good nutrition. With the determinants that lead individuals to make dietary decisions in mind, I created a product with fun flavors that taste great, while preaching the value it has for personal health and environmental sustainability

Image by Kimberly Farmer

BIO 103

General Biology I

Aside from learning basic biology concepts, my teacher for this class went in-depth about the prevalence of lactose intolerance, and how the ability to digest lactose is actually a mutation as a result of evolution. As lactose intolerance is one of the many reasons individuals choose to consume plant-based milk alternatives and eat plant based diets, I found it to be relevant to my project.


NTD 325

The Food Chain

In this class, I learned about the effect of post-harvest food systems on the economy and environment, and the ideal routes to take when it comes to sustainability. The background knowledge I gained from the content of this class helped me back up my argument about the environmental impact of of plant-based foods in comparison to animal-based foods


NTD 303

Introduction to Nutrition

This class laid out the foundation for basic nutrition concepts, as all six essential nutrients were covered in depth. When assessing the nutrient composition of cow’s milk, it typically has a much different profile from most dairy-free milk. I kept this in mind in determining which varieties of milk to combine, in order to further broaden their individual nutrient profiles

Healthy Couple

NTD 309

Nutrition through the Life Cycle

In this class, I learned about the ways nutritional needs vary from birth to old age, and how it is important to take preventative action throughout life against diseases later down the line by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. This philosophy helps push my narrative about adding variety to your diet by including plenty of plant-based incorporations

Hands on Keyboard

NTD 310

Nutrition Research

This class taught me how to effectively investigate topics for writing literature reviews using peer-reviewed sources from online databases. I utilized these skills when writing my literature review about the benefits regarding a plant-based diet

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